CAEL Legacy
Ten Standards for Assessing Learning
1) Credit or competencies are awarded only for evidence of learning, not for experience or time spent.
2) Assessment is integral to learning because it leads to and enables future learning.
3) Assessment is based on criteria for outcomes that are clearly articulated and shared among constituencies.
4) The determination of credit awards and competence levels are made by appropriate subject matter and credentialing experts.
5) Assessment advances the broader purpose of equity and access for diverse individuals and groups.
6) Institutions proactively provide guidance and support for learners’ full engagement in the assessment process.
7) Assessment policies and procedures are the result of inclusive deliberation and are shared with all constituencies.
8) Fees charged for assessment are based on the services performed in the process rather than the credit awarded.
9) All practitioners involved in the assessment process pursue and receive adequate training and continuing professional development for the functions they perform.
10) Assessment programs are regularly monitored, evaluated and revised to respond to institutional and learner needs.