Our Work
CAEL moves diverse organizations in the education-to-career space from surviving apart to thriving together. Combining the connectivity of a broad network of stakeholders and partners with in-house expertise, innovative solutions, and other resources, we embrace the role of intermediary, able to rally diverse missions around a universally critical outcome: effectively supporting adult learners and workers as they navigate on- and off-ramps between education and career.
Our Approach
Whether developing a new project or enhancing an existing initiative, CAEL works with members, clients, and other stakeholders to develop mindsets, build capabilities, and achieve shared performance outcomes. Partnerships within CAEL’s diverse ecosystem of stakeholders are the driving force behind the value we create. Our partnerships:
Enable outcomes that transcend what is possible for traditional, nonintegrated initiatives
Are motivated by a common cause and shared vision
Build trust through transparent data sharing
Create cycles of continuous and equitable improvement scalable to systemic levels
- Agreements to collaborate closely and share responsibility for achieving outcomes
- Data-driven continuous improvement and learning
- Shared data on outcomes for individuals, and
- Shared responsibility for communicating about the strategic partnerships’ success and lessons learned
Tools & Solutions
CAEL’s offerings are backed by more than four decades of experience and expertise. We tailor our services to increase the impact for organizations that support adult learners and workers. Scalable to any partnership level, from individual organizations to industry partnerships, multi-sector state and national projects, CAEL’s support can unite diverse stakeholders within a space that is critical to an equitable and effective economy. Key partner outcomes are outlined below.

Postsecondary Education and Training Providers
- Boost enrollment, retention, and completion in education and training programs
- Improve postsecondary educational outcomes, particularly among adult learners
- Maximize value of postsecondary education
- Align competencies and interests to job roles and help learners realize greater income and career-advancement opportunities via work-relevant credentials
- Strengthen partnerships within the workforce ecosystem
- Foster collaborative relationships with workforce and economic development organizations, employers, and industry groups to ensure curricula and initiatives are aligned with real-time workforce needs
Workforce Development Boards and Other Workforce Organizations
- Support equitable economic prosperity by building a thriving workforce and training ecosystem
- Develop strong relationships with employers, postsecondary institutions, and training providers to harness the potential of workforce training systems
- Assist workforce organizations in acting as vital regional centers for talent and workforce initiatives

Economic Development Organizations and Chambers of Commerce
- Favorably position cities, states, and regions to attract and support businesses that provide the gainful employment and economic activity that sustain community prosperity
- Assist regional and state economic development organizations in supporting a cohesive strategy that builds a skilled talent pool for all workers
- Help develop strong partnerships with postsecondary institutions, training providers and workforce organizations to build an effective talent attraction and support ecosystem
Employers and Industry Groups
- Support recruitment, retention, and career advancement of a talented and diverse workforce
- Create, deploy, and promote industry career platforms that build excitement and provide career exploration, display training and education options, and identify career pathways that match competencies and interests, and link to career opportunities
- Sustain access to the continuous upskilling opportunities necessary to ensure a diverse, qualified workforce and healthy talent pipeline
- Support employee retention programs
- Build and support learning and development programs that connect current employees with best-fit skills and education training
- Build effective employer relationships and industry partnerships with higher education, training providers, and workforce organizations
- Empower employers and industry to have a say in curriculum development
- Strengthen relationships with regional workforce and training partners to build a skilled talent pipeline that aligns with business needs

Want to learn more? Let's talk.
If your institution or organization is seeking guidance, solutions, or support from CAEL, or if you have an idea for a future collaboration initiative with us, please reach out. We'd love to connect.