Bridging The Talent Gap
Employer Participants To Date
Employee Participants To Date
Bridging The Talent Gap (BTTG) is a nationally proven tool that engages employers in a regional survey campaign to support the growth of a skilled and educated workforce. Survey results help employers, employees, learning providers and community stakeholders identify interest in education and training, opportunities for regional partnership, and gaps in employee knowledge of existing training programs. Designed especially to support entry-level employees, the tool supports equitable talent development and retention initiatives, whether at the regional or employer level, and provides a way to baseline and track goal attainment. Participating communities and employers find that the survey and subsequent activities boost participation in training and learning programs, as well as help build regional partnerships. View our downloadable resource for Bridging The Talent Gap.
Our Process
BTTG helps your region or company move the needle on upskilling and credential attainment goals and ensures a skill-aligned workforce in three phases:
Assess your business community’s or company’s education and training gaps
Engage committed employers and employees with customized strategies to boost training and increase skills attainment
Drive Results
Drive skills attainment for all by building a culture of learning and development at the regional and/or employer level

Our Publications
Read our publications, including a contribution to the Federal Reserve’s publication Investing in America’s Workforce
Case Studies
BTTG initiatives that gathered employer survey responses

BTTG Community Webpages
Real communities who have implemented a survey
Retail Sector Employer & Employee Insights
Findings are derived from BTTG Employee Surveys

Jessica Nojek-Executive Director, Mission: Graduate, Albuquerque, New Mexico
The Bridging The Talent Gap survey was a tool to help us connect with both employees and employers. We learned employees are interested in continuing their education but need time, flexible work schedules and financial support, which validated our Graduate! ABQ work. We are in the process of building out the work with employers based on these key learnings from the BTTG survey.

Greg Laposa-V.P. of Education Strategies, St. Louis Regional Chamber. St. Louis, Missouri
Bridging The Talent Gap has been the impetus for a more targeted strategy focused on bringing employers together with higher education and workforce partners to build stronger talent pipelines to high-growth, in-demand occupations. This project has been a win for business partners as well as for those developing and connecting local talent to job opportunities.

Joi McAtee-Program Director - College Coach, Degrees Work, Louisville, Kentucky
Bridging The Talent Gap has proven to be an invaluable resource for Degrees Work. The BTTG survey tool helps us to identify prospective employer partners, as well as understand the education needs of their workforce. As a budding non-profit, Degrees Work relies on the research and statistics provided by Bridging The Talent Gap, that we would otherwise not be privy to.

Meg Lindsay-Director of Education & Workforce, Executive Director Spokane STEM, Greater Spokane Incorporated
Bridging The Talent Gap is a valuable survey tool and engagement process for outreaching to our business organizations. The overall results and reports provided an opportunity to share the results as a community driver and individual participation. The resulting dashboard continues to be a reference in our outreach for education attainment in our community.