Our Impact
CAEL conducts original research, engages on public policy issues, and shares its perspectives through publications and other thought leadership. CAEL partners in these efforts with other organizations, government agencies, and policy makers with similar interests. We welcome such collaboration, which helps ever larger audiences to focus on adult learners and workers, learn about and apply effective practices, and embrace needed policy changes.
Browse the past highlights of our national engagement and research activities from:
Recent Research Highlights
How They Pay
Summarizes the voices of adult learners on college affordability, and how institutions are responding.
Speed, Value, and Economic Mobility
Examines how community colleges are developing short-term, high-value credentials that lead to good jobs and careers.
Collaborating for Impact
Investigates how workforce boards are thriving in unprecedented times.
Building Adult Learner Leaders for Institutional Effectiveness (ALLIES) Report
Research findings and a new framework for supporting institutional change.
Never Enrolled Report
Results of a national survey and interviews (“It’s a little stressful when I think of it…”) with never-enrolled adults on the factors that drive them to consider postsecondary education and the barriers to enrollment.
The PLA Boost
Results from a 72-institution targeted study of prior learning assessment and adult student outcomes.
Equity Paradoxes in The PLA Boost
Opportunity unrealized for some students despite the potential for improved credit completion.
Additional research can be found in our “Resources” section
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